Wilson lake Fishing Report


well a friend and i went to the lake about a week ago, the weather was nice it was in the low 60's with light winds, We wanted to go out because the forcast for the next week wasn't very nice and we were thinking that this might of been the only weekend left to take the boat out before winter. Well we fished in our area that we fished about 3 weeks ago and thought maybe the fish were shallow, well we were throwing spoons and jigs in to every weed bed and structure that we could find, we did this for about an hour without any bites. so we decided to fish over at rock city and fished about 20 feet down with jigs and spoons also We fished that deep because that is where we were showing fish on the sonar. well we once again didn't get anything and so we moved up to the spot where we first fished and kept fishing the weed beds. We finally managed to pull in about 4 fish, I caught 3 smallmouth bass and my friend caught 1 small mouth bass. Well it was getting late by this time since the sun goes down here fast with the time change and it was starting to cool down fast, we made a quick run up to the river because i wanted to check out our ice fishing spot with the boat and the fish finder and find what the depth was in that area in case i want to ice fish this year. It was a fun time even though we didn't catch much. I will give more updates if we decide to go ice fishing this year.

  • Added By: rod on 11/20/11 06:52 PM
  • Location: Wilson lake
  • Report Date: 11/13/2011
  • Learn more about Wilson lake fishing in our fishing message boards

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