Trip To Garrett's Pond
Thanks to some advice from a member on this site (Zack) I found this small pond that was 10 minutes from my rental house in Hyannis.
This was my second trip to Garrett's, the first was on Father's day which was pretty successful.
This trip was pretty good too. I had one decent LM (2.5lbs) and a couple of short smallies in 2 hrs. Besides that I landed numerous pickerel which seem to be the dominant fish population here.
Garret's is a beautiful clear pond with lots of rocky structure to fish. The Town Provide "Boat Access" which equates to a 1/4 mile unkempt downhill trail to the water.
Since I was fishing by Kayak and had a fishing buddy both times this didn't prove to be a big deal. If anything it deters people from fishing here. We were the only people on the water on both occasions.
Despite the large population of Slime Darts I enjoyed fishing here and will go back.
On another note, I tried Hathaway's pond as well but that seems to be filled with short LMs. It was also very busy with loud music blaring both times I stopped there.