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Crappie and pan fish easy twist* Recipe for Calico Bass(Black Crappie)

Title: Crappie and pan fish easy twist*
by earlybird
Type: Entree
Servings: 4-6
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10
Cook Time: 10
Ingredients: This is a very simple twist to a long time recipe. I prefer simple fish recipes and enjoy the true flavor of Crappie and pan fish.
(x) amount of crappie or pan fish
1/2 cup or so vegetable oil
table salt and black pepper
whole milk or better is butter milk
(*Hooters wing breading mix-the twist) or your favorite fish breading mix.
Directions: Simply pour your milk in a separate bowl along with the Hooters breading mix in another.
Turn on your stove top to high and pour in a 1/4 inch of vegetable oil in a non stick fryer.
Have your Crappie fillets ready (pre-thawed if frozen).
Do not over thaw in the microwave.
When heat is about 300 degrees or oil is smoking on stove top, cut back heat to about 5 or 6 depending on your stove top.
Now you are ready to dip a fillet in the Buttermilk, salt and pepper and then immediately dip in breading mix and cover well while gently shaking excess breading off.
Carefully place fillet in hot oil pan and quickly repeat this process making sure not to crowd the pan.
No need to cover since you should not cook for more than a couple of minutes per side.
Do not overcook these wonderful tasting fish.
The fish is done when it will easily break apart when touched with a fork.
Other Notes: I like replace the oil after every other batch is cooked and removed.
Play around with this and see if you enjoy the hooters mix.
Enjoy! and let us all know if you have a twist of your own that we may enjoy.
Date Added: 10/15/09 08:42 PM

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